Naked Massage Retreat for men
Tantra of touch & care
Gentleness, firmness & precision
Fantasy Farm offers naked massage retreats for men. This retreat is a unique opportunity to learn and improve your skills in the art of male massage, by addressing essential technical aspects to develop your own protocol. During these workshops, participants will discover the therapeutic dimensions of massage, learning to relieve muscle tension and stimulate the energy circulation of the upper and lower limbs. The different types of touch as well as the adapted rhythms that are used in a massage, guaranteeing a complete and enriching approach. This encourages learning and connection between participants, while respecting the values of well-being and mutual respect.
Come and live this transformative experience and discover the benefits of naked massage in a friendly and serene atmosphere.
During these naked massage retreats for men, participants will have the opportunity to discover the art of naked massage in a caring environment conducive to learning. Each day will begin with a warm-up to become aware of one's own body, essential for a harmonious practice. Two massage technique workshops will be held daily, adapting to both beginners and those with no prior experience.
Participants will also be able to enjoy moments of free practice, thus strengthening their understanding of the care provided to others. Mark, a massage expert certified in both ayurvedic and thai massage, who has practiced profesionaly for more than 15 years, will share his know-how and give advice to help everyone evolve in their personal practice. Whether on a table or on the floor, massages will be carried out with oil, guaranteeing an enriching and soothing experience for all.
Within Fantasy Farm, an community space dedicated to kindness and rejuvenation, the principles of permaculture and Kashmiri tantra are harmoniously integrated.
This haven of peace offers a variety of courses adapted to various audiences. Among them, some are specifically designed for the gay naked community, such as gay tantra, tantra yoga and naked massage workshops.
Other activities, open to all, include permaculture, meditation and fasting sessions, aimed at bringing together sensitive and queer individuals. Fantasy Farm is distinguished by its inclusivity and its desire to enrich each person’s experience, allowing everyone to explore their potential and reconnect with themselves in a supportive and friendly setting.
Fantasy Farm is a haven of peace where each activity is enveloped in an atmosphere of transparency and respect. Participants can exchange freely, enriching their shared experience while benefiting from a setting conducive to learning.
This space has been carefully designed to encourage a harmonious relationship between man and nature, inviting everyone to reconnect with their roots and appreciate the splendor of the natural world.
Through practical workshops on sustainable agriculture, calming meditation sessions and rejuvenating nature walks, Fantasy Farm offers valuable opportunities for self-discovery while strengthening the connection with the environment. It is a place where magic is found in the simplicity of interactions and the beauty of the surrounding nature.
In the enchanting world of Fantasy Farm, each visitor is welcomed into an environment designed to nourish their well-being and personal reflection. Visitors are encouraged to explore their passions, reconnect with themselves and enjoy the simple fact of being present. Fantasy Farm is not just a place, but a truly transformative experience, where personal growth and serenity blend harmoniously. Thus, each step on this fertile soil is a step towards a brighter and more conscious future.
Dates of the naked massage for men retreats are as follows :
May 2025 - 8/9/10/11
July 2025 - 3/4/5/6
August 2025 - 31/1/2/3
More information on Mark's massage experience
Cost of the retreat 400 euros all included (activities, accommodation, full board)
The group is limited to 10 participants
Other retreats are offered by Fantasy Farm.
In the enchanting world of Fantasy Farm, tantra reveals itself as a gateway to self-exploration and inner transformation. Each course is designed as an initiatory journey, allowing participants to delve into enriching and profound themes. By engaging in tantric practices, everyone has the opportunity to develop their sensitivity and deepen their understanding of human relationships, while cultivating an awakened consciousness. The stays offered are not limited to these workshops, but also encourage a tantric lifestyle, in perfect harmony with nature. This promotes an ecologically responsible approach, while strengthening interpersonal ties and creating a close-knit community, driven by the desire to fully connect with oneself and others.
In this enchanting setting, participants are invited to dive into a transformative adventure through immersive workshops that combine personal well-being and respect for the environment. By practicing meditation and yoga, everyone can reconnect with their deep essence, while discovering eco-responsible techniques. Group ceremonies enrich the experience, allowing everyone to share authentic moments and build meaningful connections. This unique place, Fantasy Farm, aims to be a true catalyst for those who aspire to a spiritual path, while taking care of our planet. Thus, each visitor has the opportunity to explore an enriching way of life that encourages both individual and collective growth.
Page d'accueil`
Séjours à Fantasy Farm
Mark votre hôte à Fantasy Farm, sa biographie
Qu'est ce que le tantra ?
Stages, les offres de stages de Fantasy Farm
Stages, infos pratiques générales
Stage Tantra Gay, Informations complémentaires
Stage Tantra Yoga, Informations complémentaires
Stage Tantra Massage, Informations complémentaires
Cure de jeûne, informations complémentaires
Liens pour plus d'informations
Weclome page
Stay at Fantasy Farm
Mark your host at Fantasy Farm, his biography
What is Tantra ?
Retreats on offer at Fantasy Farm
Retreats, practical information
Gay Tantra Retreat, additional information
Tantra Yoga Retreat , additional information
Tantra Massage Retreat, additional information
Fasting cure additional information complémentaires
Links for more information