Fantasy Farm is registered non profit association,
RNA W86200563 -SIREN 940835746
All payment details and options are detailed below
Annual membership
30 euros to be renewed yearly.
Any person visiting Fantasy Farm must be up to date with membership.
Support donation
Support Fantasy Farm by making a support donation. Regular donations are best, one off donations are great.
Donation for a stay
Any person staying at Fantasy farm must contribute tothe day to day expenses and take part in the basic investments.
This donation covers lodging and full board.
The amount varies based on the length of stay:
Less than 4 days - 60 euros per day
4 to 10 days - 40 euros per day
above 10 days - 30 euros per day
Work periods - 15 euros per day
permanent residencies - % of personal ressources
The rate is based on the number of days, whether they are full or not. As soon as a main meal (dinner or lunch) is taken, the cost of the day is due*.
*An arrival on Friday afternoon with a departure on Sunday afternoon, the number of days is 3.
Donation for retreats
400 euros for the whole event including lodging, full board, workshops and animations.
50% when booking* - code RESA50
50% balance at the latest upon arrival - code BALA50
*reimbursement of the booking deposit is only accepted if the participant's cancelation is more than 30 days prior to the event.
You can extend your stay before or after an event, add the days.
Xtra fees
any fees not included in the stay, retreat, lodging, full board inclusive package and incurred for or during the stay or retreat by the non profit will be due by the person concerned
Pricing at Fantasy Farm aims to be correct, coherent and affordable.
Fantasy Farm has an inclusivity policy that no-one should be excluded for lack of funds.
A solidarity price will be applied on a case by case basis.
This also implies that people who can contribute more are invited to do so.
Pay by card
The association Fantasy Farm uses the services of Hello Asso
Below the secured Hello Asso payment window.
Bank transfer
The association's bank account as follows :
Fantasy Farm
IBAN - FR76 1027 8364 0400 0108 1260 182
Payment in cash
This is possible upon arrival for the due balance.
If the Hello Asso Payment window does not come up, you might be using a VPN.
You can click the box below to access the Fantasy Farm Hello Asso page directly
Page d'accueil`
Séjours à Fantasy Farm
Mark votre hôte à Fantasy Farm, sa biographie
Qu'est ce que le tantra ?
Stages, les offres de stages de Fantasy Farm
Stages, infos pratiques générales
Stage Tantra Gay, Informations complémentaires
Stage Tantra Yoga, Informations complémentaires
Stage Tantra Massage, Informations complémentaires
Cure de jeûne, informations complémentaires
Liens pour plus d'informations
Weclome page
Stay at Fantasy Farm
Mark your host at Fantasy Farm, his biography
What is Tantra ?
Retreats on offer at Fantasy Farm
Retreats, practical information
Gay Tantra Retreat, additional information
Tantra Yoga Retreat , additional information
Tantra Massage Retreat, additional information
Fasting cure additional information complémentaires
Links for more information